Sunday, December 6, 2009


When is anyone not wrong on a dayly basis? I dont think a person can be perfect everyone makes mistakes. Otherwise, whats the point of living your life? You should have a bunch of mistakes to learn from and this is where humility comes in. You have to be humble at times when you succeed and when you fail take the hardship but also learn from what you did wrong. This is what teachers need to show students. That even if they get something wrong theres no reason in getting angry they must come back from it and do better next time.


I think the effectiveness of a team is strongly based on how well the team members can take eachothers faults and weaknesses and turn them into positives. Every team member must be able to work with one another because as it is said, "A team is only as strong as its weakest link."

Collaboration is different from group work in that everyone must do their part in a project. When youre doing plain group work someone can do the whole project and turn it in for the group. But, collaborating takes parts from each person in the group and turns it into a whole.


Well just as we watched in the movie/parody about teaching confidence and self awareness plays an enourmous role in teaching. If you dont have confidence there is no possible way to have control over your class and to make your students believe that you know what youre teaching. You have to be able to let your students know that you are going to be the conductor of the class and they arent going to run the show.